If you have already added to your list of places visited, emblematic sights such as the Indian Taj Mahal, the Sagarada Familia church of Barcelona, Angkor Wat and you are still planning a tourist adventure in 2025, then here you can find many places interesting to visit during a long or short tourist trip, comments and expert advice.
places to visit on 7toucans
must-see landmarks For 2025
TAJ MAHAL is India's national treasure and is a symbol of LOVE AND ROMANCE.
58 countries 65 cities 128 places to visit
Tourism is an important economic sector for many countries in Africa. Many of them managed to organize excellent travel services and attract a significant amount of travel lovers. Among them are Uganda, Algeria, Egypt, South Africa, Kenya, Morocco, Tunisia and Tanzania. The tourist feature of Africa is a vast variety of sights and landscapes and a rich cultural heritage.
2 countries 0 cities 8 places to visit
The Arctic and Antarctica, the North Pole and the South Pole, are unknown, lost at the edge of the world, and always attracting the interest of all mankind. Antarctica is the southern polar region of the globe, a continent washed by water on all sides. The Arctic is a partially frozen ocean the ice sheet of which is formed by glaciers, icebergs, and sea ice, surrounded by land.
50 countries 185 cities 575 places to visit
Asia is the largest part of the world, which is washed by three oceans and contains 53 states. On the map of the world, it is like a motley carpet of cultures, languages, nationalities, customs, and beliefs. Perhaps, there is no land on Earth richer in various wonders.
26 countries 41 cities 165 places to visit
Australia is a country that occupies the continent of the same name, washed by the Pacific and Indian oceans. Oceania is the collective name for a vast cluster of islands and atolls in the central and western Pacific Ocean.
28 countries 0 cities 55 places to visit
The Caribbean Islands are located between South and North America, from the Orinoco estuary to the peninsulas of Florida and Yucatán. They consist of several groups of large and small islands.
7 countries 32 cities 64 places to visit
Central America is located between North America and South America. It boasts cultural and natural treasures: forests, lagoons, volcanoes, deep rivers, colonial-era cities and towns, archaeological sites, museums, shopping centers and crafts markets, handicrafts and folklore, traditions. The magic and mysticism of local cultures, primarily the Maya civilization, make up the commonwealth of the peoples of Central America.
48 countries 815 cities 1422 places to visit
Europe is synonymous with progress, enlightenment, art, culture and science. There are many reasons for people to visit European cities. Someone is looking to admire delicious masterpieces of art, someone just wants to see famous cities, someone is interested in culinary delights. There is no single recipe to advise and satisfy one hundred percent. Travel to Europe alone or with friends and experience real pleasure.
6 countries 133 cities 310 places to visit
North America stretches from polar latitudes to the tropics and is located in the north of the Western Hemisphere. The shores of North America are washed by the waters of three oceans - the Pacific, Atlantic, and Arctic. The average winter temperature on the continent ranges from -36 °C in northern Canada to + 20 °C in southern Florida and Mexico. There are 23 states and 20 dependent territories in North America.
15 countries 159 cities 290 places to visit
South America is one of the six continents of Planet Earth, located in the south of the Western Hemisphere. It is bordered on the west by the Pacific Ocean, on the east by the Atlantic Ocean, and on the north by the Caribbean Sea, which is the natural border between the two Americas.